Mehdi Ziady
Managing Partner
He spent the last 10 years in consulting businesses with a focus on strategic and financial advisory.
At Maera Capital and MZ Invest, 2 companies that Mehdi was in charge of as a managing partner, Mehdi worked as an end-to-end partner for international investors keen on investing in Morocco as an attractive market in itself and as a gateway for Africa (deal sourcing, due diligence, structuring and post investment monitoring).
Prior to that Mehdi provided corporate and advisory services to Moroccan and foreign leading Corporates and Institutions in Morocco and Europe in his previous functions within H2dev (Casablanca), Valyans Consulting (Rabat) and KPMG (Paris).
Mehdi is a graduate of Reims Management School and holds a master from Maastricht University. He speaks French, English and Arabic.