Jean-Marc Janailhac
Advisory Board Member
Executive Board Member of ME Group (listed at the LSE) worldwide leader of Photo Booths and personal service automates
Senior Advisor Macquarie Capital (Macquarie Investment bank division), world N°1 of infrastructure Funds
Former CEO of Veolia Environmental Services South Europe (Subsidiary of the waste management division of Veolia Environment Group)
Graduated in Economics at HEC Paris (Hautes Etudes Commerciales) and at IHEDN ( Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale ), member of the French independent board members association (IFA, Institut Francais des Adminsitrateurs)
Other executive functions/ directorships:
SFIC development SAS (CEO): international development and M&A advisory
Athena Investment ( board member ) – Wind ad solar farms in Europe
SFEIR SA (Board Member) : France -a top five Apple master IT development company
Cabinet Roux SA (Board Member) France: N°2 of the claim adjustment market
Fondation Contes (Financial advisor)